IP Camera Directshow Filter

IP Camera Directshow Filter 2.0

Release Date : 2022-12-17

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

IP Camera Directshow Filter allow your application view HTTP MJPEG and RTSP H.264 IP Camera in any Directshow base application (C#, VC++, Delphi etc). 

IP Camera Directshow Filter 2.0 Released (17 December, 2022)

  • fixed video quality when connected to RTSP IP Camera. Especially improved the quality of moving objects.
  • fixed crash issue if connected to IP camera for few hours.
  • improved a lot of artifacts or corruption in the lower/bottom part of the picture issue if connected RTSP IP camera.
  • improved a lot of artifacts or corruption in the lower/bottom part of the picture issue if connected RTSP IP camera.
  • added SetBufferSize method, it may improve the corruption in the lower/bottom part of the picture.
  • added getWidth, getHeight, getFramerate methods.After connected to IP camera, you may know the resolution and frame rate.
  • added EC_END_OF_STREAM events, this event will fired when disconnected IP Camera.
  • updated VC , C# 2010, C#2019 samples.