Movie Maker Timeline SDK Control

Movie Maker Timeline SDK Control 8.5

Release Date : 2020-04-30

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

Video Editor SDK that allows users Drag & Drop to arrange clip orders, edit movies, apply effects & transitions with C , C#, , VB, Delphi, VFP, MS Access. 

Movie Maker Timeline SDK Control 6.5 Released (30 April, 2020)

  • fixed Videos recorded using mobile devices (e.g. iPhone), when preview this video, it displayed upside down issue.
  • add avfilter-5.dll and postproc-53.dll files, you need distribute these dll files when decode the video
  • fixed crash issue when add some audio clips and video clips and drag the video clips many times.
  • added set the stretch mode when call AddVideoClip, AddImageClip, you can set stretched to fit, no resize, keep aspect ratio, resize no letter box.
  • added C# 2019, VB.NET 2019 samples.