PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX x64

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX x64 6.5

Release Date : 2023-09-10

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

It is a 64 bit and 32 bit PDF Viewer SDK, fast open PDF, support print the PDF, searching the text for 32 bit, 64 bit MS Access 2016, VB.NET, C#, C , Delphi, VB6, VFP.

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX x64 5.0 Released (10 September, 2023)

  • added support open Unicode (e.g. Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese,  Arabic and Hebrew) PDF File name.
  • added support search Unicode (e.g. Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese,  Arabic and Hebrew) text in PDF pages.
  • updated SearchNextText and SearchPrevText , Search methods, these methods will return page number if found the word.  Now it will return which page you find the searched word.
  • fixed crash issue if the PDF file is not loaded, then call PrinterSetPageRange or Search method.
  • updated ExportText method, now it can support use Unicode File Name.
  • removed UnicodeLoadPDFFile method, because LoadPDFFile method support open Unicode PDF File name now.
  • add MFC100U.dll file, you need distribute this dll file if you use latest version.
  • updated VB6, VB.NET, C#, VFP, MS Access, VC samples.