Scanner SDK ActiveX

Scanner SDK ActiveX 14.5

Release Date : 2018-11-18

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

For Windows Developers who need to capture image from scanner, digital camera or capture card that has a TWAIN device driver with C++  , C#, VB.NET , VB, Delphi, Vfp, MS Access.

Scanner SDK ActiveX 8.0 Released (18 November, 2018)

  • added Advanced Barcode Recognition for PDF features, it can Open the PDF, Get the total count of images for specific PDF page and scan the Barcode for specific image. It can improved the barcode recognition. In old version cannot detected Barcode on PDF file. now it can solved it.

  • fixed when OCR , OCRRecognizeMode=0,  sometime application close issue.

  • fixed LoadImage method that load the PDF, then call LoadImage method again with same PDF file. the view size is different issue.

  • added BarCodeReadPDFClose,  BarCodeReadPDFImageCount, BarCodeReadPDFOpen,  BarCodeReadPDFScan methods.

  • updated VB6, C# 2010, C# 2015, VB.NET 2010, VB.NET 2015 1D-2DBarcodeDemo samples.

  • added C# 2010, C# 2015 OCR sample.