Video Edit Gold SDK ActiveX 19.5
Release Date : 2012-10-13
Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP
For Windows Developers who need to Cut Videos, Merge Videos , Split Videos and more Video Editing features with C#, Vb.Net Winforms WPF, VB6, Delphi, Vfp, Adobe Director, MS Access, C .
Video Edit Gold SDK ActiveX 10.0 Released (13 October, 2012)
fixed AVCHD decoder, when preview M2TS video, calling SetPos() it will hang.
fixed GetFrame issue when input FLV or M2TS video.
added allow add FLV encoder plugin - output FLV video.
added allow add MP4 encoder plugin - output H.264 MP4 video, PSP video.
added output 3GP video.
added FLVAudioBitrate, FLVAudioChannels, FLVAudioSampleRate, FLVAudioSampleRate, FLVAudioSampleRate, FLVFrameRate, FLVHeight, FLVVideoBitrate, FLVWidth,MP4AspectRatio, MP4AudioBitrate, MP4AudioChannels,MP4AudioSampleRate,MP4Framerate, MP4Height, MP4Streaming, MP4VideoBitrate,MP4Width,PSPProfile,Video3GPAudioCodec, Video3GPAudioSampleRate, Video3GPVideoBitrate properties.
added c#2010 sample.