PowerPoint Viewer ActiveX Control

VB Developer Getting Started

Assuming that you have already run the Power Point Viewer SDK ActiveX installation program and MS PowerPoint Viewer and started Visual Basic, the next step is to create a project. To do this begin by selecting the "New Project" command from the file menu and select "Standard EXE" as your project type.

1. Declaring a variable named pptviewerObj to makes it a project-level variable.

Public pptviewerObj As Object

2. In form load event, create an instance of a PowerPoint Viewer SDK ActiveX.

Private Sub Form_Load()
     Set pptviewerObj = CreateObject("POWERPOINTVIEWER.PowerPointViewerCtrl.1")
End Sub

3. In Form load event, Open the PPT file and define the size of PowerPoint Viewer Window.

Private Sub Form_Load()
     Set pptviewerObj = CreateObject("POWERPOINTVIEWER.PowerPointViewerCtrl.1")
     pptviewerObj.Open "c:\yourpptfile,pptx", 0, 0, 640, 480
End Sub