Calendar SDK ActiveX

Calendar SDK ActiveX 5.0

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

For Windows Developers who need to offers Calendar presentations complete with full customization to make your appointment for VB.NET, C#, VB6, VFP, MS Access, Delphi, VC++   .

Calendar SDK ActiveX 5.0 Released (14 May, 2024)

  • fixed sometime crash issue when import Calendar ActiveX Control or open the existing project.
  • rebuild the Calendar ActiveX Control, now it support compiled with Unicode.
  • updated SetUnicodeDayCaptions, SetUnicodeMonthCaptions, SetUnicodeText method, now it passing String type. In past, it need passing String by Ref . But some development tools does not support this type. e.g. VB6, VFP.
  • added VS2019 VC sample.
  • updated C#2010, C#2019, VB.NET 2010, VB.NET 2019 sample.