Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter

Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter 3.5

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7

Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter allow your 32bit or 64bit APPLICATION encode stream from a capture device, web cam, source filter and save to MP4 video in any Directshow base application. 

Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter 3.0 Released (14 May, 2019)

  • added SetHwCodec method that support Support GPU Acceleration(NVIDA, AMD, Intel) when capturing to MP4 file.
  • SetH264Preset method support more option when use NVIDA GPU Acceleration.
  • added DetectGPU method that support checking what GPU is installed on your computer.
  • updated C# 2010 IDirectMP4EncoderConfig  interface. fixed string type to IntPtr type. 
  • added C# 2015 sample.
  • updated C# 2010, VC samples.