Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP
It is a PDF Viewer and Document Viewer SDK , Export to PDF ,Image processing, 1D and 2D Barcode Reader, Writer, DICOM and OCR with C#, C++ , VB.NET , VB, Delphi, Vfp, MS Access.
Image Viewer CP Pro SDK ActiveX 22.0 Released (19 June, 2024)
Autofill PDF form fields, save to image file or Export and Saves filled forms to new PDF file.
AutoFill PDF form field objects such as text boxes, check boxes, list boxes, combo boxes and radio buttons.
added PDFFormFieldsCount, PDFFormFieldsWidgetType,PDFFormFieldsText, PDFFormFieldsIsCheck, PDFFormFieldsWidgetType, PDFFormFieldsCboListBoxIndex methods to Extract the data from filled-in PDF form fields.
added PDFFormFieldsSetText, PDFFormFieldsSetChecked, PDFFormFieldsSetCboListBoxIndex methods to AutoFill PDF form fields.
added PDFFormFieldsUpdate method save to image file or Saves filled forms to new PDF file.