PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX x64

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX x64 6.5

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

It is a 64 bit and 32 bit PDF Viewer SDK, fast open PDF, support print the PDF, searching the text for 32 bit, 64 bit MS Access 2016, VB.NET, C#, C , Delphi, VB6, VFP.

PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX x64 6.5 Released (16 January, 2025)

fixed locked text file, xml, html file issue when called ExportText method.

fixed PrinterGetPageCount method crash issue.

fixed cannot set iScale parameter to 1.0 in SaveBitmapsBySize method.

added SaveBitmapsEx method, it can export PDF page to bmp, jpeg, tif, png, gif file.

added SaveBitmapsBySizeEx method, it can export PDF page to bmp, jpeg, tif, png, gif file.

updated LoadPDF method, if the PDF password is not correct, it will return -2. If the PDF cannot display, it will return -1

updated VB6, MS Access, C# 2010, C#2019, VB.NET 2010, VB.NET 2019, VC samples.