Scanner Pro SDK ActiveX x64

Scanner Pro SDK ActiveX x64 2.0

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

Scanner Pro ActiveX x64 Control for 64 bit and 32 bit MS Access, VB.NET, C#, Delphi and Visual C and 32 bit Visual Basic 6 and VFP.

Scanner Pro SDK ActiveX x64 2.0 Released (6 May, 2024)

  • added TWAINBridgePath property. It fixed cannot run 32 bit TWAIN driver's Bridge when call Connect32bitTWAINBridge method.
  • fixed cannot scan issue if the computer has two or more scanner device. Select scanner device 1 first , scan the image. then select scanner device 2, scan the image. It cannot scan now.
  • Digitally signed viscomtwainbridge.exe file.
  • added OnMouseWheel event. You can detected mouse wheel up or down and Ctrl, Shift key is down or not. Use this event, you can change pages by scrolling mouse wheel. Let user change scanned pages easily.
  • added Middle Mouse events. MMouseButtonDown, MMouseButtonUp, MMouseButtonDblClk events. e.g. When you double click Middle Mouse button, then you can Scan or Print the image.
  • added SetControlFocus method, let the control received the OnMouseWheel event if the control lost the focus.
  • updated VB.NET 2010, VB.NET 2019, C#2010, C#2019 General and 64bitAppAccess32bitTWAINDriver samples.