.Net Video Capture SDK

.Net Video Capture SDK 3.0

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

With Viscomsoft .NET Video Capture SDK, you can easily add powerful video capture capability to your .NET applications. It support Zoom, add Overlay Texts, Images on Video and Save to WMV, MP4 file.

C# - How to use .NET Video Capture SDK in WPF application

Step 1: To install the .NET Video Capture  SDK, begin by launching the setup file (http://www.viscomsoft.com/demo/.netvideocapturesetup.exe). Select the desired installation folder for the .NET Video Capture  SDK and continue with the installation on your development computer.

Step 2: Create New Visual C# Project, select WPF Application.

Step 3: In Solution Explorer, select References ,right click mouse to select Add Reference... 

Step 4: Select Browse tab,  Navigate to the extracted Video Capture .Net SDK for REDISTx86 folder, open it, and then double-click Viscomsoft.VideoCapture.dll

Step 5: In the Solution Explorer, right-click on your project, and then click Add - Existing Item ....


Step 6:In Add Existing Item dialog, Select All Files (*.*) in combo box. Navigate to the extracted Video Capture .Net SDK for REDIST//x86 folder, open it, and then double-click Viscomsoft.VideoCapture.Foundation.dll

Step 7:You will see Viscomsoft.VideoCapture.dll and Viscomsoft.VideoCapture.Foundation.dll in Solution Explorer.

Select Viscomsoft.VideoCapture.Foundation.dll , In the Properties window, Change the Copy to Output Directory property to Copy if newer. 


Step 8: Add references to the WindowsFormsIntegration assemblies.

Step 9: Add references to the System.Windows.Forms assemblies.
Step 10: open MainWindow.xml.  In the Window element, add the following namespace mapping.

Step 11: open MainWindow.xml. In the Grid element add the following XAML


Step 12: open MainWindow.xaml.cs.  At the top of the MainWindow.xaml.cs. file, add the following to the using directives
already in the class:

using Viscomsoft.VideoCapture;

Step 13: open MainWindow.xml.  In the Window element, type Loaded, select New Even Handler

Step 14:  open MainWindow.xaml.cs. In Window_Loaded add the following code

            _capture.Window = myPicBox.Handle;
            _capture.Mode = VideoCapture.CaptureMode.Preview;
           _capture.VideoDevice = _devices.VideoDevices[0];
            _capture.VideoDevice.SelectedResolution = _capture.VideoDevice.VideoResolutions[0];
            _capture.AudioDevice = _devices.AudioDevices[0];
            int result = _capture.Start();

Step 15: run the project, now you can preview the video.

Download this sample source code