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VB6 - How to capture your IP cam with VideoCap Pro ActiveX

First you need know the URL of actual MJPEG stream for your IP cam. Normally if you can access your IP cam with

But this URL is not actual MJPEG stream. Please open Google CHROME browser , enter URL of

your IP CAM, do not use IE or FireFox. You may use Goggle CHROME browser only.

If it have authentication required, input your user name and password. Now you should enter

the control panel and see the video of your IP cam.

On the Video image, right click and it has a option called "copy image URL". Then you can

get the URL of actual MJPEG stream.


The actual URL as following


Now you can access your IP cam as following

VideoCap1.CaptureMode = False
VideoCap1.StartIPCamera "","youruserid", "yourpass"