Video Chat SDK ActiveX

Video Chat SDK ActiveX 4.0

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

For Windows Developers who need to high quality video chat or audio chat only on Internet or LAN. It support on C++ , C#, VB.NET, VB6, Delphi, VFP, MS Access.

C# - How to Add Video Chat or Video Conference features to WinForm application from NuGet Packages

Step 1: Close the Visual Studio 2019.

Step 2: Run the Visual Studio 2019  as Administrator.  Right click on your VS product and select Run as administrator.

Step 3: Select Visual C# or Visual Basic, Select Windows Form Application.

Step 4: Select your project in Solution Explorer, Right click the mouse, select Manage NuGet Packages...

This brings up the NuGet Package Manager, enter "videochatcontrol" in search textbox , then select Viscomsoft.VideoChatControl.WinForms.x86 package and click Install button.

Step 5: Now you will see DllRegisterServer in videochatreceiverocx and videochatsender.ocx successful Message Box. If not, you should close the Visual Studio 2019. Run the Visual Studio 2019  as Administrator again.

Step 6: Select Toolbox, select Components item, right click mouse button, select Choose Items...


Step 7:  Select COM Components tab, select Video Chat Receiver Control and Video Chat Sender Control, Click OK.

Step 8: Now the Video Chat Sender and Video Chat Receiver Control 's icons will display on Toolbox.

Step 9: Now the Video Chat Sender and Video Chat Receiver Control's icon will display on Toolbox. Drag the Video Chat Sender Control from toolbar to form and add button on form, change the Text property of the button to "Send", then double click the button

Step 10: Double click the Send button. Add the below code on button1_Click
It will use first video device, if you want to use specific video device, try change the VideoDevice property. First video device is zero.
In here, we will use localhost ( Change this to the IP address of your computer:
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       axVideoChatSender1.VideoDevice = 0;
       axVideoChatSender1.AudioDevice = 0;
       axVideoChatSender1.VideoFormat = 0;
       axVideoChatSender1.FrameRate = 25;
       axVideoChatSender1.VideoBitrate = 228000;
       axVideoChatSender1.AudioComplexity = 0;
       axVideoChatSender1.AudioQuality = 10;
       axVideoChatSender1.SendAudioStream = true;
       axVideoChatSender1.SendVideoStream = true;
       int iResult = axVideoChatSender1.Connect("", 7500);
Step 11: Drag the Video Chat Receiver Control from toolbar to form and add button on form, change the Text property of the button to "Receive", then double click the Receive button.  
Step 12: Add the below code on button2_Click
 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         axVideoChatReceiver1.ReceiveAudioStream = true;
         axVideoChatReceiver1.ReceiveVideoStream = true;
         bool bResult = false;
         bResult = axVideoChatReceiver1.Listen("", 7500);

Step 13: Press F5 to Run the project. Click the Send button, it will send the video to video receiver control. Click the Receive, It will display the video on video receiver control.
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